Friday, March 16, 2012


    Lies.  They echo in my head.  Telling me I’m not good enough.  Not smart enough.  Not pretty enough.  Not interesting enough.  Simply not enough.  To be loved.  To have someone want me.  To be cherished.  The world, the devil, shouts at us.  He tells us we will never be enough.  He tears us down.  I can feel the lies creeping in, filling my mind.  I question them.  I consider them.  I listen to them.  I believe them.  They’re telling me that I will never be loved—I will never be enough.  I’m broken, dull, cliché, unsightly.  My faults outweigh my good qualities. It’s all around me.  My emotions are caving in.  The pressure to be perfect is building up.  I’m about to collapse. 

But there is One.  I can hear Him calling me.  His voice is quiet at first.  I can barely hear it.  But it’s getting louder.  It’s coming through, past the lies and the hurt.  Louder and louder, until it’s all I can hear.  The message, it’s so clear.  “YOU ARE LOVED.”  His words have power.  They heal the pain of the lies.  I can feel His love.  I can see His love.  “I want you!” He says.  He wants me.  I’m not enough, this I have found to be true.  But He is enough for me. 

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